Wednesday 12 January 2011

Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal: guitarist, producer, beard enthusiast AND entrepreneur!

Ron's Quadrupler Toneprint

For this one, Bumblefoot uses the tri-chorus setting to detune his playing, so it sounds like four guitars at the same time. A very ‘filled out’ sound which can only be described as ‘massive’. Recommended settings: set all knobs to 12 o’clock for the standard TonePrint and then adjust to taste.

TC: Who inspired you over the years when you were creating your own personal guitar tone?

Bumblefoot: A big one was Eddie Van Halen. I go for dynamics, warm mids, with more sustain than distortion. For me, Eddie's late 70's tones were perfection.

TC: What are the main ingredients in your tone in terms of effects (e.g. chorus, flanger, delay, etc.)?

Bumblefoot: I usually keep it simple, I go for an organic sound. A subtle delay for ambiance, and some compression to bring things forward.

TC: Have you ever been so inspired by a tone you created that you ended up writing a tune based on ideas triggered by that specific tone?

Bumblefoot: It happened while I was making those custom TonePrints with you guys. First time that happened in years!

TC: Do you work on developing your tone continuously, or do you feel that you have found a fundamental tone that will last throughout your career?

Bumblefoot: Seeking the perfect tone is a never-ending quest of tweaking guitars, strings, pickups, amps, speakers, cabinets, mics - it can be a real obsession.Years are spent turning knobs a fraction, sometimes scratching it all and building from the ground up with a different approach, but what really makes the biggest difference is the integrity and conviction in your playing, and in your music.

TC: What inspired you when you created your TonePrint(s)?

Bumblefoot: I'd have my guitar in hand, and would start turning knobs, and just listen. Suddenly I'd hear something where I had to start playing, and make sounds that feed off the FX. I'd get inspired and spontaneously write new song ideas, just from a few knobs getting turned.

TC: You had access to a lot of different parameters that you could tweak. Did any new ideas for future tones pop up in the process?

Bumblefoot: Definitely. I've barely scratched the surface of what these pedals can do and already came up with dozens of possibilities...

TC: Normally, do you prefer having access to many parameters, or do you like simple pedals with just a few knobs better?

Bumblefoot: It's always good to have more parameters. You don't have to use them all, but it's better that they're there in case you do want to dig deeper into sound-shaping.

TC: How come you signed up for creating your own personal TonePrint(s)?

Bumblefoot: I love experimenting with sounds and I've been bugging you guys for a few years about making custom 'Bumble pedals', haha! This project is great, we got together at my studio and spent hours making all kinds of sounds I'll definitely be using.

TC: In your opinion, what is the single coolest thing about TonePrints?

Bumblefoot: Software-wise, besides how detailed the parameters are and how many are available, it's how you can change each parameter, re-assign them to do different tasks - the flexibility is unlike any I've ever seen. Hardware-wise, what stands out is how quiet and seamless the pedals are when hitting them on and off. Using the vibrato pedal, stepping on the button and letting go, nothing interferes with the sound, you don't hear the pedal activate or bypass - it feels very natural, very comfortable to use. I'm never distracted thinking about masking a clicking noise in the rhythm and changing where I want to turn the pedal on and off - I can just lose myself in the playing.

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